Children of my days, living prodigies, Blessed with wit, by the Lord Almighty Amidst the poor city, through sin is cursed, Entwined his warning we’re summoned Amidst the dark where we stand, Here is the battle looms The combat against fraudulent, Through wisdom we’ll coup For as the eagle sees food from afar, So as we despite the dark, Envisions as hope of the future sprout
Arise oh youth, march with thine heart with raging fire Such courage lies on you, innate however numb Silent courage once waken is supreme Same as pony serene in pen Whose spirit is loud in the valley once freed Like a soldier in a battlefield Clothed in the armour of valour and strength.
Arise oh youths, his mighty warriors, Come and yell in audible chorus For courage is innate, and wisdom is indeed sonorous Don’t you hear, don’t you see? The vineyard where wine overflows? Arise oh youth, the land is ready And victory awaits in the hands of the Lord