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Dec 2011
i drank one
whole river of bourbon on
this very night

i smoked two
and a half butterflies
and now i can speak in colors

i took three hits off
this cloudy chick
and now i can sing like a sparrow

i snorted four
lines of sunshine
and now i can pull an all-nighter

i freebased five
pearls from the ocean
and now i can smile much brighter

i injected six
fireflies into my arm
this very night

i took seven
dandelions, and mixed them in a bowl
and now i can tell you all
the secrets of my soul

i swallowed eight
droplets of Hoffman's best blend
and now i can tell you
how this world will end

i ****** nine
of nature's best nymphs
on this very night

i infused ten
different sunsets
and now i can tell you the time
david badgerow
Written by
david badgerow  29/M/Florida
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