You like to pretend she's me, don't you Miss December? When you watch the dice fall from her hands like they’re broken Or when you accidently call my name down the abandoned streets, But realize I have fallen off the map?
Miss December, do you remember watching me cry over girls in green and white? Do you remember me tossing my textbooks down the hallway like Frisbees, Only to have you chase me to the nearest empty corner? My eyes would shutter like paper, and I would ask you to turn the page.
Do you notice the scars left on your ankle after a humid day? Miss December, do you remember the days I spend mending your wounds? Only to realize you were too broken and shattered for one woman to heal. As if lightning through your temporal lobe would be the only escape to sanity.
I held your hand through dying dogs and relapse. I told you, you could do anything. Did I push you too hard and shatter the last glass? Is that why you turned the purple car away that day?