And with this world I am done Made to survive boredom on my own. Told smile and make merry with bumbling fools And kept from entertainment by idiotic rules.
You would believe your life meant much Wrapped in ego, esteem, and nonsense like such. You would see the world from your eyes alone And from your own views, refuse to roam.
Five universes away, look there, I beseech you Feel dwarfed by the insignificance born you were born into. Earth spins on a mobile, a game for the largest child And we beings are dust; unclean and wild.
Do you see yourself now, inane and useless? That you would recognize the ridiculous gravity of this. You mean and are worth nothing at all On a cosmic spectrum you are infinitesimally small.
What can be done under the weight of inanity? Nothing at all, live life striving for goals doggedly. Whisper importance against a mirror by yourself And not a thing you say will affect a **** thing else.
*This is disillusionment, I beseech you, I beseech You insist you are free, you are not free. This is disenchantment, I preach to you, I preach You tell me you are saved, you are safe Unaware it's a lie, you speak, you speak.