I threw a coin off the ledge and when it struck the ground It was perfect The sound was all worth it Because I feel this beat of the Earth It's like the beat of a drum A steady pur um pum pum Like the world is alive Its playing its music live And if you only take the time You'll hear it's beat and it's rhyme
I threw my wallet off the ledge and when it struck the ground It was perfect I needed a louder sound To join in with the planet Sitting in the audience is something I can't stand It's so much much better to join in with the band. And my wallet it kept that steady beat Louder than the tapping of my feet After that fall, so much more sweet.
I threw my radio, my backpack, my spare tire Off the ledge and when they each struck the ground It was perfect The song deserved this. It was so loud with no one around to hear it. But the steady beat went on. The Earth in its constant drum Pur um pum pum, Pur um pum pum. Nothing has such beauty as that constant hum. But it can't be over yet, it can't be done.
I threw myself off the ledge, and when I struck the ground, I was perfect.