He came indeed He walked this earth, the thing He made for a time, long enough to comfort those afraid and those with disease saw the light in Him and those with power saw not a worth prim that’s not all He came to fix, no there was more
He saw the bending of holy minds under worldly power turning worship into insurance with hearts of cower leaders condemning the good for breaking the bad not know Jesus’ mission of love or His big dad believing He had turned into their greatest chore
He showed hot too often our dearest works are for human reason that we may gain for our selves, God’s highest treason telling so, of the sick not healthy in need of help going to anyone, anytime on just the sound of a yelp healing deeper to the heart, past the outward sore
He fixed though sinners He dined with, ***** He loved with cutting down any and all social class with grace’s scythe freeing the religious slaves, guiding them along the way to those who trust Him, the offer is still good today not caring when you choose to come in His door
He loved indeed He walked the earth, the thing He made with untold love, He made sin’s biggest trade