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Jan 2016
i feel like a medley of bloods
of non-favorites and choices
left undecided, all corners and
edges--a heart beating in sheets
of rain where the freshet of my spirit
has ravaged the banks and driven
bones from this ossuary.

that leaves something to be said
about the state of greater things--
of the things i've left frozen that
melt in torrents and wash away
this facade of placidity, this
supposed contingency plan
swept away in a deluge of
and the worst of it is that i have
not yet been drained, I am still
raging, still raw and
r a g    i    n g
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

plasmapheresis is the removal, treatment, and return of (components of) blood plasma from blood circulation
Written by
   Daniel Magner, cd, Got Guanxi and ---
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