here’s what they don’t tell you in sunday school. no matter if you make it to heaven or hell, you could still be sitting next to the elementary school shooter depending on whether or not he prays to the right god.
my father always said that if he meets jesus, he’ll apologize. “sorry, man I didn’t know. if it’s any consolation, I believe in you now.”
two weeks ago a friend grabbed my steering wheel and she turned me into the next lane. she believes in god more than she believes in saying sorry.
if I ever prove her wrong and meet god, I’ll ask him if he watches over malala and why he had to let those three children get hit with a semi truck on the way home from the fair. giving their parents triplets of the same gender as before wasn’t good enough even if oprah called it a miracle.
we always tell each other that the murderers are going to h-e-double hockey sticks. is this wishful thinking? are we just incapable of picturing adolf with a pair of angel wings?
even if I didn’t know it then, these thoughts might just be the reason that I used to get panic attacks when I thought about heaven. I’ve always been a restless soul and being stuck somewhere forever was never my style.