Let's get lost in the grace of forgetting past mistakes and errors of our foolish youths and let us live amid the worldly hope gained from exchanging sentences of solitude for paragraphs of insight into better days
Let's abandon our halcyon memories along with our sordid ones eschewing their credits and excesses and let us eat chocolate cake now while we still have teeth in our mouths exchanging bites of confection for those trim waistlines we never really had
Let's play in the fountains like kids without cares about having kids of our own or owning gardens and let us plant gardens on fire escapes and in alleys growing herbs from the soot and exchanging harvests for wisdom and a proclivity for jigsaw puzzle completion
Let's debate the merits of interstellar politics without the fuss or nuance of believing we were ever right and let us pray for our righteous ******* earned by sweat and salt after exchanging fear of rejection for a fuzzy blanket and a burger on a snowy day
Let's give up on fixing blighted communities drowning in the pity of their own sacrosanct infirmities and let us beat our own swords into ploughshares to sell online if anyone will buy them exchanging broken guns for cold hard cash that binds better than pectin
Let's sleep all day if we feel like it until we've slept away all our regrets and fears and let us awake whenever we **** well please to eat baconfat and sip bourbon exchanging all the calories for the lives we've always wanted but never had