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Dec 2011
I eat of her flesh, gorgeous demon
Feel as her hot blood coats my throat
Not a poison, not a drug
A sustenance unlike anything before it
"Take of my flesh, drink my blood,"
I can feel my teeth sharpen
Daggers biting my lower lip
Feeling that ancestral ache
Vision sharpening, each object made crisp
New shades of color
New forms of light
Otherworldly fire and smoke
She smiles, crimson scales shudder
“That’s it, boy,” she licks the words
We laugh as I become her
Her kin and kind
“Cannibal,” she hisses with glee
“Lover,” she sighs
But she betrayed me
Tried to free me from her heart
“Why won’t you leave?”
I scratch at the scales above her brow
Feel the black and gray hairs
Fine as spider-silk
My eyes show her the truth
“Even now, you love me,”
Smiles, low grumble rises from my gullet
If I cannot stay here I will take her
Our bed shall remain empty
Neither of our hides shall feel it
Wretched our passions
Immortality courses through me
“Beware the black bile,”
I ache though, lustful memory
Just her face, black and red eyes
Smooth, beautiful scaled skin
“I will own you, forever,”
She watches as my eyes gleam
I taste a familiar salt
My tears are like a spice
I taste hers
It merges with her scent
Tarnished silver in the air
I lift her, bring her to the light
Wipe blue and red blood from my lips

“I own you, forever in this world.”
Demon Flesh by Jonathan Barry Sullivan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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