Not per Sun (shun nature, your alien nation inside) but per Cent.
Time our time count time slots by the cent carry only the remainder to Sunday. The rest for you.
66 per cent of me for me 33 per cent of me for you compounded daily fragmented, The hands The back The brain The heart and we must buy back parts of parts.
9% carbon and 90% water can be brought to boil Copper and oil can be taught to toil.
Sly, sliced and diced, a die:
A Rubric Cubed (there’s the rub) each side, each face a place out side.
Can we learn assisted to put the faces together Or are we turned and twisted forever.
Copyright (c) 2016. Influenced by the new poetry of Hannah Sanghee Park, the 1930s poetry of Lorine Niedecker, and the first volume of Marx's Capital. And the algorithms for solving the Rubik's Cube.