Clouded judgement, biased opinions based off stereotypes and ancient value your own experience from perhaps too many years it all makes sense but you can't lay it down on me. Always wanting what is best, never fully healing past what happened in your world which was catastrophic but at some point we all come to the realization to move on if we are strong, now I know why I can never seem to reach you. Always seeming to gather thoughts and emotions reports and reviews of everything from other people, having to master knowing what they think before making up your mind so you aren't even really yourself which is part of why you can't seem to reach me. After all this time, nights of crying and asking why I have so much pain can all this anger find its place, having no inclination as to where it all has come from not personally experiencing what some may end up calling the textbook definition of depression, post traumatic stress ,anxiety, attention deficit hyper whatever but yet all at once aggravatingly confusing , constantly asking question after question knowing they ultimately came from your inabilities, getting over every of my problems simply because I was strong enough ,ironically in part because of you but I think with those higher standards that could have been set by either one of us the anger of you not fulfilling that is your fault the life you lead is your choice mine is mine.