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Jan 2016
You'll write their name on your tired body with permanent ink and call it love
Because Aunty said it's beyond what the eye can  see but what the body can feel.
Itll take you months to learn its not the same thing to create this.        
You'll try to make them stay with your wet mouth, with those trembling hands, wisper all the things that would make you stay in that husky voice
But warsan said you cant make homes out of people
And your new mantra is "nothing in this world belongs to me I release it all"  
But you keep it all in slit like creases in your scattered messy heart, and your tender thighs,
And your static and wandering mind.
and my love? My lover? Dont you see the only thing you're letting go of is yourself.
Written by
INFINITEabyss  anywhere
   Martin Lethe
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