Brother's birthday I didn't say a thing Y'see I ain't spoken to him in years Dysfunctional ****** up family we're from I distinctly recall him not wishing for me A joyous occasion The ties that bind Were severed loose with great skill And apathy A bag-full of hard feelings Solid as the stones in my pocket Neither of us cries But I wonder about my old mother Having seen what this despicable world Has to offer You don't get what you want Drive on by and try try try You can't help but see the hard truth In slow motion, dreams burst like bubbles Empty plastic sacs Litter the sawdust splattered floor Waiting for the beast That feeds on this misery I think he's right around the corner I heard his belly growl When he looks at me I will close my eyes Smell his matted hair Hear his muffled grunts Then I'll kick him so hard in the crotch He won't know what hit him As he slides harmless Down the length of my body Distracted by vision To slump on the ground