Ancient secrets in dark, dry, caves filled with airs of eldritch winds suffocated of life and it's needs solemn graveyard to the nonexistent
Biting brown of antiquated dunes dead fire of fossil sand burning with the lost rage of lost ages exterior to great alchemic secrets
Heavens filled with brooding anxiety pining and craving teem in the atmosphere desires to combust and crystallize eroded off by laws of impossible physics
Uncongealed remnants of shells and beasts bacteria and algae now unearthed to light testimonial to buried memories mummified by cadavers of glaciers and mesas
But a glacier for whom? Can resolution be concluded by the uinverse that vast cosmic void hanging in oracle's riddles staring back at the stargazers?
Ancient secrets, eldritch airs, solemn graveyards, and requiem for what?