What if I was never born? Would the world change around you, Every single little detail fading away like a really bad dream? What if you never even wanted me? I was some babe in your womb, And once I broken out of my prism you handed me off to another. What if our lives were perfect? Too perfect to even know what reality really was, No scars or nightmares to call my own. What if I wanted to end it? Leaving all those nights I cried, All the turmoil that I dragged my body into every night I was alone. What if I lived? Pushing myself every day past the tears, Forcing my body to be happy for at least half a second in the 525,600 minutes we spent living our everyday lives. What if I was actually happy? Because you decided to have me. You decided to keep me. Because my life was never perfect. Because I didn’t end it. Because I finally realized that living those 525,600 minutes wasn’t so bad. Because I decided not think of the What ifs