If I so happen to- Be blessed to open my eyes on A Christmas morning I, shall walk outside and Breath the cool air of a Crisp December morning and Simply listen to what Joy sounds like.
Happiness is hearing the Laughter of my children as they Frantically tear through Wrapping paper; opening Gift after gift as Mom and I Start setting the table for a Hearty Christmas breakfast. The robust scent of hot cocoa Fills the air.
As I smile, My mind becomes Preoccupied with a singular but Powerful thought… A momentary reflection about Those who Christmas missed; Those brothers and sisters who hope That somewhere in the community Someone has remembered that They dream of a warm place where The robust scent of Hot cocoa may fill the air. They dream of A place where they may be Thought of enough on this morning To be gifted with a simple meal Served with a smile and A kind heart.
I think of those who Who will have to look their Little ones in the eyes And watch that innocent sparkle fade as They divulge to them that Santa won’t be visiting this year, Trying to reconcile that sadness By explaining that the real meaning of Christmas Is being with those you love yet, They are too young to understand. These are those beautiful souls who Christmas missed.
Remembering those occasions on which I have looked at my children’s curious faces Explaining that Santa would be a tad late; That perhaps Santa got the address confused or that I didn’t put their “Dear Santa” letters In the mail in time. I remember that burning sensation That overwhelms the heart when You already know that you and yours Will be missed by Christmas. I have lived those moments One too many times.
Because of this, I will sit with my loved ones and We will hold hands--- Pray that the kindness of Christmas Continues to give birth to Those miracles that Sweep through the hearts of Men, women, and children alike So that, we may forever remember that The spirit of Christmas should remain With us every day of the year so that-
We may all commit An act of kindness The 364 times a year that is needed so that Not a single Man, woman, or child Will be one of Those who Christmas missed…..