We are Shells on the sand The wind turns us to dust
We are Two birds Touching their wings at night As sparkles are falling From their wings
We are trees Embracing each other Holding tight to one another Until the wind is sleeping away through our leaves And throwing us apart
What you see on my face is time It is nothing but time And time means nothing Compared to spirit Compared to what we are Compared to love
Don’t be afraid of time Somehow it’s unimportant Insignificant
What you see on my body is time Only time Unforgiving, implacable Harsh and demanding Time
What you see in my eyes Is eternal A light and the flame Of the spirit that loves you That cherishes you And your being Your loneliness Your deepness Your mortality
Nobody goes through life Without scars Time leaves scars You should not look around my eyes To see the scars But inside my eyes To find soul