The most incredible sight this morning in a clean city: a young girl like me back then is walking thirty, forty paces in front of her parents. Speed walking and rubbing her eyes, like she's been crying. Her head so graceful and straight upon her neck. Her parents split up, dad walks on the sidewalk where I am sitting opposite this clearly perturbed daughter, mom behind her daughter.
And perhaps it happened but maybe I imagined the mother call out to the daughter "slow down" is what she should say or what she did say. It takes the girl everything she has all her courage not to turn around
don't turn around I am begging from my seat across the street. At least try to make it to the crosswalk at least. It doesn't really matter why she's mad. I could try to come up with some reason but it makes no real difference.
What's important is that I was holding a memory in a loving embrace.