All alone tonight; everyone everywhere else. "Good riddance!" I spit, "what use are they all anyway?" It seems there isn't much use for anyone at all, but that's alright, that's alright, nothing to get worked up about. Instead just lay here, try to enjoy the rarity of each moment, passing by as faces on a train. Do you remember Paris? That was nice, remember? All of those pretty people with their pretty words. No one needs company when you've got that. You don't need company so long as you have Paris. It makes it alright to be alone. But even now, it seems the color is all drained from the frame. What was it she said? I can't seem to remember her face except in the photographs. "Good riddance!" I spit, "what use is it all anyway?" And it seems there isn't much use for anything anymore, but that's alright, that's alright.