eyes closed on the brink of unconsciousness new worlds begin to form behind closed eyelids trees towers and flowers sprout from the ground a stream trickles into existence as i set my eyes upon it flowing softly but constant, never ceasing my internal camera snaps shots involuntarily the photographer in me never sleeps always at work rushing to get the picture perfect in print and in speech i wander through this new place discovering all that i have subconsciously created entranced in one moment and surprised in the next so much beauty and mystery weaved together into this strange world but there also seems to be elements of sadness and captivity this world i have created is lovely but something seems amiss i smell no freedom and joy on the air instead i am overcome by a sense of fearful loneliness how can i feel so terribly afraid in such a dazzling world? this place i've created is turning against me no longer a place of escape but one that is trapping me in stuck beneath this now starry sky i lay down on my back in the middle of a grassy field eyes closed but now seeing through the facade of this fake world it is meaningless and brings me no true escape