I haven't got upstairs yet want it to be when my eyes are heavy that I fall into bed my very own bed. I want it to be a truthful sweet moment alone with my thoughts and my sheets. Finally to be home. Home is just a word. All I need is a place where people love me, and feed me, and sweep my hair out of my eyes. It could be anywhere. But when I stepped out of the cold into the foyer; then into the den and no one knew I was there yet, I saw the clock. The old maritime chipped-gold-plated clock that chimes on the hour. Had not moved since 7:27 very many months ago, since last time I was here. This has been my job since I was very young. Open the clock face and reset the time to 2:27 To grab the gold key hidden under it's wooden frame, to first twist the clockwork cog that creaks and hear the ticking alive again from turning wheels. Then the cog that works the bell, and flick the hidden switch to turn on the chime. Close the face with a click and sigh as my family runs in to greet me.