She was so reckless and so carefree I was once her, And she was once me This was the way I truly use to be Before I started drinking a new cup of tea
This cup is filled with aggression and pain All the while searching for something to gain But the searching is starting to drive me insane As the late night thoughts sneak up on my brain
The thoughts endlessly fill my mind with doubt As I have yet to obtain the ability To truly understand what life is about While keeping up with every responsibility
The tea was suppose to be a quick fix A way to relax my mind But as late night thoughts creep into the mix Serenity becomes harder and harder to find
Yet this all leads me back to the one I'll call she The girl who I simply use to be She was so reckless and so carefree It's hard to imagine now that I was ever her Or that she was ever me
In the night I slowly drink my tea For at least with it comes some stability As I am no longer reckless nor carefree And just want something with a profitable possibility
This kind of thinking keeps me up at night Convinced now that I won't get this right Yet I continue to drink the tea and fight So that maybe my dark thoughts will lead back into the light