I feel ridiculous just this mug with this purple heart and this yellow background and do you know what I did? [here comes the kicker] clutched that little thing to my chest and out from my mouth stumbled the most awful sounds like they were lost in darkness, feeling the air blindly confused at their mere existence, prodding jabs of exhales, littering the space with blurbs of mismatch speech silly as it sounds I knew if I let myself I could fill that purple heart with salt water don't doubt it a bit shocked about this incident well no, truthfully I'm not as soon as my eyes locked their gaze I could feel a stir this buzz of an awakened monster monster and one just can't remain calm with that oh well, better luck next time as in I might find a sword or a hero or I don't know courage to look away and not dwell idle in the same space, loitering purposefully unintentional if you can believe that * side-note rolled the word "Respect" around in my head for awhile stretched it like taffy in the window, shot it at faces as though it were a lecture mulled over the depth of it r-e-s-p-e-c-t rreessppeecctt came to this conclusion: is it possible to respect "this" ....."this" yet at the same time secretly openly? show that I wanted to hear you say "yes, that'd be fine" but it came out as "thank you for respecting this"