with rust-stained hands and our knees dusted with soot and red carolina clay we stood among the metal skeletons, new relics of twisted form halted in perpetual ascent to the crumbling walls and bathed in orange from a winter sun hovering just above the horizon
we wander through a still and eerie scene, a frozen moment in the slow quiet war of organic and geometric as we inch our shoes along the top of the narrow walls, falling ash catches light, recalling its formation manifest from crackling destruction to land in charcoal hues that blanket the ground.
this little piece of suburban wasteland a reminder of cleansing fire, thunder from the spheres. momentarily our minds cease to race through events, seeking to justify the seemingly random to explain neglect of the highest sort.
in this age post-postmodern, we feel alive and bravely secular- standing in the long twilight, breathing the holy ghost, corporeal. memory will not yield, but neither shall we.