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Dec 2015
its all a mind game
a mind set
you can’t buy one of those
I think I’ve tried

a set of minds
buy one get one at costco
what a deal
one is pink
and filled with flowers
nothing inside there but pretty pretty flowers
you can take it to the salon
and shopping at walmart
and to football games
it only loves other pink minds
pink minds think alike
and they don’t have a lot to think
they are smiles and heterosexual
they are long lashed and cis and enjoy the company of the one percent
they have only occupied luxury vehicles and say sorry too often
they say sorry for the wrong reason
they love being pink
because grey is so drab

because grey matter is deep
grey matter is filled with relentless and unforgiving thoughts

what an idea
to have an idea
this is an idea: grey matter is filled with love and respect and progression and the better
and lets do better
lets put all the grey matter together
mush it up into one of those smoothies and it turns green of course
now we add some glitter and love and see it turn purple
maybe even add some pink matter cause everyone needs a little 1%
cause everyone can find their 1%

(O.M.G. my 1% is showing)
but its okay cause we can do better
just raise a glass and drink our differences
so we can have more togetherness
Written by
Katie Ann
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