Structure is build on structure measured feet on how we eat what we hear should leave no doubt air, and time, are running out if we would free words from their prison we must first smash this capitalism.
Make it New! Renew! Remove the muck of ages! This can not be done in stages Everyone lives in a pretty now town Where stairs go up as well as down And warp, corkscrew, and bevel, and lead us to another level. “Lead?!” without a doubt, but something else could lead you out!
To be ******: Reading poetry Eating bulger Planting trees Loving one another And changing bulbs Is not the way to stop The world from getting hot.
The need for exploitation decides the limits of the law - the structure’s built, and truth: you can’t declaw a tiger claw by claw.
Since the banishment since We lost the battle for apples (appropriated from HIS tree) Food comes first, then Shelter, Later love, And poetry.
Before food there’s drink, before drink, breathing; before surplus and production, verse.
Good bye, you’re getting worse...
I’m glad. Sea Ewe on the barricades of sequence the barracudas of non-sequiters the band-aids of sequins and glitter -- a dozen Molotov cocktails -- please!
Appropriation, making language strange, eschewing polemics, being deranged, fine for academics with tenured chairs of lead and nothing clear left in their heads.
Structure is built on on structure, and can be re-built on on sand.
I hear the wingèd chariot, and must go organize the proletariat.