A lot of people died for no reason today, Friday the 13th... I don't know how to rationalize these kinds of crimes against being human and respecting life because no amount of strife no payout no political scandal no extreme statement should make the heart vacant unable to handle any fuel but the fire of hate for all who "do not relate"
but the longer you seethe it the more you breathe it and sooner or later you'll be it
hate hates you just as much as you hate them doesn't care that it's leading you to your end the demise of your abysmal skies and tonight the world cries
but it's sickening how we're unsurprised unphased by the quicksand thickening a noose slowly squeezing our humanity out we're in a drought
we need a revolution and love is the solution and people have been screaming that since the beginning of time and now it's imperative we listen because nights like this just aren't fun they're heavy for everyone because we are one and tonight, once again we've only brought each other pain