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Nov 2011
This is it

Little by little

It has become what it is today

A common demon


******* up what I perceive as real

But what are you?

Do you get grouped into that theory?

Make believe

                     the present future day passed by me


Although I put cracks in the ground where I step

I carry no weight that a man could not get

Many different times I wonder                 about it

                                                    not worry

            Just looking down upon my feet


                   ­                my



alone                                                          ­       with her

           with her                                       alone


Smile kid you’re almost home

          Pick your head off the floor

                         Take the **** of the fact

                                    That you won’t see them anymore

  I almost made the mistake of dying to soon

          But my soul has a heartbeat of its own

Shook me still when I was awake but ******

       The river flows and carries me slowly on


                           Life’s changing,

                                                      ­   Deep breathing,

                           Gone from it all,

I’m going home.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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