Hollow images through broken glass. A flustered reflection, wandering eyes. A face unknown, once told a tale of beauty, with sparkling smiles, and shimmering expressions Frozen in time, paused for a moment, staring. Staring through your very being.
As it stands in silence, Holding hands with what could have beens and breaking bonds, reaching out to what will be.
You take a breath, and hold it for fear of losing it shakes existence as we know it, to the core. Though a cracked smile shares a sense of hope, it masks the longing to be found the eyes hold so dear.
As if taking a leap, you breath out. Praying that one sigh passes through the glass without shattering all that is left.
you free fall. your heart beats. butterflies flutter.
One wish shadows every thought in your mind, and your reflection catches their breath. Maybe the next person to steal your heart, won't return it broken.