It's nights like this When I'm alone in bed: There's no stress and nobody around, Nothing to pretend to be. I'm just me: nocturnally silent And scared to death of the future, knowing you're out there in the world Couting on me to make the right choice. This is when I know I'm ready.
I don't even know who I am anymore. I used to count on my hands to do The right thing, My tongue to say The right thing, My heart to feel The right thing. Suddenly everything is jumbled; I realize maybe it was months ago When things started to change, When the vines began to wrap around themselves In my head. Nothing quite makes sense the way you do. I don't know how to verbalize my thoughts Or even analyze them so I can tell myself What would be The right thing.
Underneath all the things I say And underneath the facade of it all, There's part of me that finally feels like it fits in With the other parts of me After being lost for probably years. I like the way you scrunch your nose When you smile, And the way you laugh when you kiss me. I'm so used to being focused I forgot that sometimes being interrupted is Precisely What I need. I don't want to be frustrated anymore, And I'm realizing I was frustrated For far too long. I was right back in September when I said You made me feel like I wasn't so tied down. And your laugh, It's like I'm waking up from a dream, Remembering that things are better Outside of my head. Out here, With you, This feels like the right thing.
And I don't want to have nightmares anymore. I never have them when I'm with you