Composition of my body that leaves a space Complete resonance with the world around me Take me but treat me with care I have but one long fissure of love Magnify that with the salt of the earth The birdsong and the fresh air that is ours Dont regard me as a static soul But one that writhes under the actions of being The truly enacted movements witn intent This soul is gentle and kind Matched with a body giving I expect little but the little must be special The light in my heart burns deeply for you It carries the fuel of years Never ending but eternal. Feed me with your love, take my soul Treat it well and give too The desire for completeness has been sated The continuing elements that keep us Float on a sea of tides Pulled and caressed by the Goddess She keeps us rounded, calm and serene Breathe your life giving prana and rejoice Whilst the light in my heart burns for you