I always write about my own reflection and consistency- but mostly how ****** up life has been for me. It seems as if the only stream of conscious I know goes backwards. Can I write about other things? Why don't I ever write about other things? Like the way my skin aches for you- the fact we awake at the same time every morning I feel as if you were another part of me- but we have all seen this already. So can I write about the now? Right here. In this moment the only thing I can think about is the past. How my coffee was once so hot it burnt my tongue and is now so cold that my lips don't remember the taste. It's funny how things change form. How something can taste so sweet, turn cold- and leave you nothing but bitter in the end. Now I'm thinking about you- no one else knows who you is, but me. The reminder of my past is mimicked in your tone- the mouth that feeds your troubled mind brings up feelings I would rather not replay. Shady, in the shadows with ****** tendencies that silhouette my smile You shook my spine and struck my nerves now I'm racking my brain on how to separate. See, the past is the only thing I know, The only thing that is to be known for I have evidence it is there. "I think therefore I am" so the only things I know are in the past. The here and now is still the past once the moment is gone and all these letters and metaphors above are all just pieces of my memory now. Aren't you tired of looking back? Yes. But it is all I know for sure. You are not. The future is not.
My hair is in knots again I try to brush out the tangles but the teeth are too weak I try to brush the taste of you away but my teeth are too weak. It's been one week since I didn't have to think about the wreckage you instilled in my bones but here I am now watching as my mind goes blank and my coffee turns cold- I should've listened when you said nothing should've known that was the answer all along.
we learned about Descartes today in class, so it inspired this poem.