He slept as the waking sun approached suspended in time and spaceless animation, a man seeking to traverse the stars, he died gazing with eyes of fascination
with a cigarette hanging jauntily from his mouth and arms hastily folded, surrounded with charred magazines and empty canteens slumped, his skin heavily blistered and scolded
his last hours were that of beauty lost in silence and subdued by its respect, he knew his time was up but of this journey he'd never forget -
"It's just.. so.. beautiful, how can I not love these stars?! To my left lies Earth, to my right glows Mars -"
his ship a silver bullet plummeting towards the pulsing sun the tragedy of his voyage forever embedded into everyone's minds, a shadow soiling the pride of humanity, a catastrophe that we simply cannot leave behind
feeling infallible we found nothing but failure yet through bitter determination we still try, preparing for another man to be sent in the Lieutenant's footsteps knowing indefinitely that he could die
"LIFT OFF IN... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1 -"
pathetic, egotistic desires churning out ideas ridiculous, caustic
vying to conquer space, the whole Galaxy, yet again greed and power drives the human soul -