HE he set the precedent. i imagine my mother crying. i imagine my sister, twenty years old, asking ‘why don’t you love me?’ i imagine my father trying to read divorce papers through salty eyes after my mother left because he set the precedent. all he/she/i have ever know is absence. since you left in every way possible, the only thought i’ve been able to process is the doctor telling my teenage mother — her arms holding her daughter for the first time— “sorry ma’am, he is never coming back, would you like some morphine to take his place?”
2. YOU you set the precedent. you conditioned me like Pavlov; it’s only real if it hurts. so every time someone new touches me i tell them to wrap their fingers around my throat until crystals pierce my vision and i can’t say what i want because that’s the way your hurt felt because you set the precedent.