Tears streaming down her face Cuts on her wrists Bruises on her heart Saying the things she never could say Praying the things she never could pray Why am I even here, I don't want to be living Take me, please! Covering up with a smile Laughing during the day, sobbing at night Never telling anyone, her silent cry for help Explaining only to those closest to her Watching them walk away, and never come back Why does everyone always leave? Aren't they supposed to help, Isn't that what friends are for? No one giving her any reason to stay Wouldn't it be easier? Leaving seemed so easy She had really already done it Her body was here but her soul was gone ****** away, locked up, restrained infinitely And everyone assumed she was just fine But she wasn't And no one cared enough to notice. Please help me!! She screamed inside Look at me! I'm not alright, I'm not okay! Someone please just look, I don't know how long I'll last... --