No Drama, so Great as that. Resounding Silence of the Moment, snipped apart and cut up by little scissors of thinking, until Living Still The whole band of Look Up in the reparation of Nothingness Given Away for an idea of Attraction outdated before the setting of the Sun Renaissance, the Victory of Spirit unto Soul in the colonizations of Arrogance
Are you Sure Your Leaders were Picked with just the right Blend of Justice and Possibility? Are You sure the manipulations didn’t swap Harmony outlast month, and Wholeness out And what of the man? Did he sprout wings and Fly back into his Position? And the ex lover.. back again for a second round with friends panting at her back like dogs in heat
Let me know that this is the Only Truth No matter who anyone becomes in this lifeTime, Let me be the One to Remain TRUE Lover of Wisdom, I AM Forever Heavens Great Faith
I am Grateful for my friends and Colleagues who stand in the Victory of Fires without a chance of Movement. I am the Grateful One to be Reminded by each of them Right Now I feel Your certainty I see Your Transparency I feel your Solidity I embrace Your sweet Charity All Is Calm I AM Faith. No Matter how it Looks, I stayed with Love while the Bombs were dropping I stayed with the Holy Mother while the Fight was fighting I called out to the Holy father to say where our position was And I turned from my own running So I could remain True. I serve one God, where my Holy Spirit Guides Me Financial Divinity, You are about the Character of the Soul You have already found your way and your connection. You are, I AM Perfect.