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Nov 2015
If you're worried about me,
don't worry about me.
you see, I'm almost home,
and I've grown an addiction for being alone.
When mistress love draws too close,
remember, I was baptized in fire to cleanse my soul.

I poisoned my mind to think clearer,
I stabbed my heart to see the meaning of deader,
so no, let's not play the game "who's crazier,"
cause whatever you do, I promise you, I'll do better.

When your lips begin the words, "I miss..."
allow me, it was you who left me dismissed
so don't worry about me, love
even when it seems I'm falling from above
I'm not, I'm just flying upside down,
so you don't see me frown
Frantz Saintil
Written by
Frantz Saintil  Gainesville
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