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Nov 2011
I hope you’re happy now with him and your new life,
I hope you’re happy with never having to fight.
I know he’s not like me, he doesn’t abuse things.
I know you’re happy girl, especially with your new ring.

I could never keep myself together enough for you,
I was always stumbling and you didn’t know what to do.
You tried your best to show me I was worth more than I thought,
And the view through your eyes pulled my loose strings taught.  

But I can only see myself through eyes that are my own,
And I never liked how I saw myself when I was alone.
It wasn’t you that turned me toward a numb and drunken track,
And I’m sorry that you left because you thought I’d never come back.

I hope you’re happy now with someone that doesn’t drink away every day,
I hope you’re happy now with him and all of his ways.
Just know that I miss you and you were the best thing in my life,
I know you’ll be happy once you’re finally that man’s wife.

Once you were gone I realized the state that I was in,
I was destroying myself and trying to take you with.
I’m glad that you finally got out before it was to late,
And I know without me your life will turn out to be great.

I wish that I could stick around to see you walk down the isle,
To once again see you happy, to see you smile.
But I’ve dug myself so deep I can’t see any way out,
And I know that you’d disagree but this has to be my route.

I wish that I could go back and change almost everything that I did,
But the ship has sailed and I’ve left myself alone to drift.
I sit alone with a whiskey bottle every day and night,
I’m deep in debt, I can’t find love, my light ain’t bright.

But of course you know this you saw it every single day,
When you left I’d be drinking and when you returned it was the same.
If you still want to help me I can think of one final way,
I want for you to stay happy and for you to forget all about me.

Please stay happy now with someone who treats you like you deserve,
Please just stay happy and know you steered me through the curve.
And know that there was no way for you to save me from the cliff,
Just please stay happy and know I was just buried to deep to live.
Keith Skyy
Written by
Keith Skyy
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