"You're a killer, son. I can see it in your eyes. I don't know when it'll happen- Maybe the first day on the front line, Maybe when the guy next to you In the trenches gets his head Blown to bits, but some day You'll snap. And it'll all become a game to you. And it's a game you're good at. And it's a game you like." These are the words the veteran spoke Over my father. This is who he said My father would be. And so he ran away.
My father took up his pen and he wrote And he took up the mainsheet and pulled it in Til the sail hugged the wind, and he did it for years, But it wasn't enough for him. In the end He studied business and now he's an Entrepreneur, building homes and food and lives. Recently he's been talking about starting to Sail again. He could've been world champion, you know. He says he left to start a family.
There are days when I look in the mirror, Deep into the eyes I inherited from my father, And wonder. In them I see his own passion For the written word, for the wind caught In the sail and the water stormy and deep beneath. But I know there's something else in there too, And there are days when I hope to God it's not That same look his honorably discharged uncle saw And scarred him with so many years ago. But even worse, there are times I pray it is.