I wanted that picture so **** bad because in the 16 years we were all together we didn't take one I wanted to hang it on my wall but a year later I want to burn it I want to burn it and forget that we as a family ever happened I want to pretend that my life is a soap opera and I'm not the main star I wish things would fall into place that my life would suddenly go back to 2014 and not change but then I realize I would still be wishing for a change and I hate that I always wished it would happen and I thought I would be happier but I just realized that I hated living sometimes Every emotion just came at me all at once and 11 months later I'm sorting and deciding which one I have to deal with next The day it happened I cried for about an hour and then the next three months I felt nothing then I was overwhelmed and scared and now I feel sad and lonely and a tad bit ****** at everyone all the time and some for absolutely no reason but the fact that they get an outside view and don't have be the person in the middle