There is death chasing us all And it is inevitable that I will fall But I will run in till my breath is gone Not because I'm afraid, But I know what I've done wrong
My air has run out But my lungs refuse to shout Have I found bliss? Or is this all a sweeter way to touch deaths lips
I am frozen in a moving ocean I'm not dead, But not alive, Forever in motion What is motion but the absence of eternal rest? Resting is better than being alive and second best
My skin is gone, I'm nothing but bone My own family doesn't want my skeleton at home So I'll haunt, Like I'm gaunt, Seems that Heaven didn't want me And I lived to bland of a life to pay Hell's fee
My life, My death, There is nothing as sweet As finding a new version of an impossible feat To live forever, But be dead just as long Isn't anything special, So throw yourself into the throng
It's the fall of us all That raises us up, Or buried us down left to crawl The chase is over, And you're scared Fear no evil, It's Heaven that ruins us, I swear