I miss the feeling of your cheeks next to mine. The wretchedness of the events before us, was what makes us yearn for each other, But old memories hold us back like the universe holds it's mysteries. Close to the chest, towards the heart Because that's the only place it may seem safe. Oh no, don't let anyone see your memory cards in this poker game of life And even with this near certian thing in hand, We're afraid to risk it all and go all in. Because we once, both almost did. And the other person, indeed, actually had a better hand and beat you, beat me too So ****** up from seeing a near certian chance at a win crumble in front of your eyes I don't blame you for being more hesitant to play another hand I don't blame you for thinking leaving the table might be the best idea Or leaving the casino all together. Because I thought that too, I left the table, but I didnt leave the casino I walked around, maybe played some slots But I saw the glistening cards fly around the table, Being played by others, It made me miss holding those cards again So walked back to the table and sat down again I hope you could join me in this seat right next to me And possibly get lucky and we both win Or if anything, just split the *** with eachother and go along with this game. This game of gambling. This game of poker. This game of life.