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Nov 2015
He's been out for a while now
Roaming the woods beyond the walls
Angered by his fellowmen's betrayal
After they drove him out into exile

They closed the gates behind him
And left him all alone
No one to help nor care for him
Loneliness he always hated, now his friend

From above a hill, he usually saw
Over the walls, his people happy and unworried
"All those smiles are because of me,
and this is how they repay me?" he said to himself

He vowed to himself one cold hearted thing
To seize the chance for him to come back in
And make them all suffer, as he did their enemies
With the same means he used, ones they hated but needed

His exile was for all the cruelty and pain he conjured
Against the enemies his people long feared
He was the necessary evil they clung unto reluctantly
The savior they feared, more than they did their enemies

Days, months, and years passed by
And he continued to watch them day and night
All were happy, happier than each passing day in fact
Until one day, everything fell into the man's foretold fate
The people were frantic and in despair
He knew not what was happening there
But even so, he saw his chance has opened
And smiled as he went and make true his return

The Exiled, that's what he chose
To name himself for his return
Expecting fear to overtake the whole place
He was ecstatic to start the slaughter he savored since that day

The gates were open, just as he expected
He walked right in, giving off the same presence
He had emanated when he went out the gates
And expected the people to wallow in fear and hopelessness

What he saw was one he never imagined
They all saw him and asked for his forgiveness
They asked for his help, and offered their allegiance
He was no longer to be only their savior, but their king as well

The Exiled was shocked at the reception he received
Taken aback, confused and not knowing how to react
Until he thought of what he was given
And laughed menacingly, like those of the battles of old

He saw the chance to put out all the pain he felt
After being exiled before, and now he's back
To fully control the people who chained him with weakness
And free to do whatever he wickedly wishes
Just ******.
Jon Faux
Written by
Jon Faux
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