I can feel my pulse beating, telling me im alive But then why do I feel nothing inside This fine coat of numbness steals my every breath I don’t know how to live like this Although one would think that I’d have learned by now For how much of my life I have spent in this pit And yet here I am once again with my Finger pressed against my wrist Part of me hoping that I won’t feel that rush of blood But it always comes down to this: Questioning the end and existence
Struggling to shed this emptiness Knowing that if I manage to poke a hole in this façade a dark creature will emerge He will consume my thoughts and being Render me useless to go about life To let everything out; to breathe easy To breathe in the relaxing sadness of rain That this not a luxury granted to me No I can open that part of me to the world I have to be someone else for so many people Someone stronger someone who doesn’t long to sip tea with demons but wards them off so that you can breathe and to me that is the reason I take each breath