Lemmings living lusciously in tiny boxes all the same – splashes of color the whirring buzz of a paved path lures them like fish to their shiny frames drab claims to a cube – clickty clack, guffaw guffaw goes the lemming in cube 102 cube 104 pounds and releases, click click click, whirring slides overwhelm the brain of the lemming. Beep beep beep, ring ring ring, millions of delicate digital lemmings walking off cliffs plummeting to their pasteurized expiration glued to more tiny shiny brightly lit boxes wanting verbosity and novelty superficial thoughts grasp until every little living lemming wanders into the last chest, the box made of satin, and silk, hammered shut and dropped into a rectangle mounded with dirt. What comes next – nothing but more lemmings living in smaller boxes to their expiration dates