theres something so final about a period which is as it should be
commas always get in the way coming and going like anxious insects trying to make themselves important as they scatter over a page already overrun with too many words
question marks have a slightly swooping profile curve just above a period theyre kind of elegant they remind me of a swan with a regal attitude i saw once on a pretty pond
parentheses embrace words like **** curves
and brackets are like steel gray bookends fencing words in
exclamation points are so abrupt and rude and angry like an outburst in a classroom like fireworks in a funeral parlor dont mess with them they mean business
hyphens dashes colons semicolons apostrophes and quotation marks that surround what we say and dont forget the ellipses that take the place of words we omit
sometimes i like to write stories and poems with no punctuation no capitalization no grammatical rationale whatsoever