Why do you walk around with that mask? Isn’t it so stifling? How can you stand the restraints you’re under? I don’t understand why you’re hiding yourself under this cruelty, using it like a straight jacket to keep yourself from letting everything out. What are you hiding?
I used to hate you but now, now I just feel compassion. I’m so sorry that you live a gilded life, a jaded life. I’m so, so sorry that you never knew the joys of being yourself. Now you don’t know how to. It’s too late.
And now I see why you would oppress me, why you would hate on me. You’re scared. You’re scared of me releasing you from your straight jacket; you’re too afraid of onlookers. You care too much what other people think. What a terrible way to go through life, afraid of opinions other than yours, when yours is the only one that matters. What a horrible way to live, to judge and be judged.
But guess what? I still hate you. Yet I still manage to have one tiny ounce of compassion, one tiny part of me that really feels for your misery. Which is why I forgive you. But I only forgive you because I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry that I get to be myself and you don’t (even though I do deserve it more than you). So, I forgive you for ruining my life. I forgive you for making me hate myself. I forgive you for making me Just. Like. You. Which is why I forgive you; I know what it’s like to be you.