Quarter past 11 is it? No it's 11:11 Slowly lapsing second by second With thousands of prayers and wishes being granted and my hope wandering for resurrection.
Quarter past 11 is it? No it's 11:11 When hybrid eyes void of faces to dance with claim to purport themselves to a mere beguiling satiation but inwardly they're dying to enjoying their guilty pleasures
Quarter past 11 is it? No it's 11:11 4 minutes have passed says the lady with her watch showing the wrong timing maybe her wish could be traded for someone else's perhaps
Quarter past 11 is it? No it's 11:11 Look at the clock see the patten four ones two elevens delving deep into souls of millions waiting for their wish to be granted and spreading smiles just how silver dust and bubbles do to the five year old in the backyardΒ Β
Quarter past 11 is it? No it's 11:11 For the artist holding up the thoughts on the silver platter for her ideas assembling in the mind promptly as if a magical spell had been cast on her after she made her last wish
Quarter past 11 is it? No you missed it but it's 11:12 Maybe the next time you could save a minute to make magic And I hope tonight at 11:11 the shooting star lights up your night as well.