A love so sweet has now turned sour I'm at the window you walking to your car Tears in my eyes like the rain falling on yours what went wrong? I ask, the tears falling fast what did I do? You slam your hands on the steering wheel Driving dangerously fast You call me I ignore it Unable to utter a sound The love we had, where did it go? It has turned to anger Fists in the air; voices raised high why were we fighting? I can't even remember what made me do that? You ask yourself as you drive dangerously fast without a destination, just driving I cry on the floor, thinking you're gone you took my heart with you when you left Will I get it back? You pull over, trying to think I'm the love of your life, and you just left me Your face goes white and you turn around Driving fast Dangerously fast You call, I don't answer You leave a message "I love you, baby, and I'm sorry. I'm comin home, please let me back in." I cry more I'm so happy you're coming home I call you I'm sorry too, I say I didn't mean the words I said tonight I never want to be without you Both of us crying, proclaiming our love I love you baby, you say Till death do us part You cry, tears clouding your eyes driving dangerously fast I say, a smile on my face Till death do us part